Breasts Can So Airbags!

He said that the airbags in cars Ford Mustang that he does not inflate when the finale of an accident. When that happens, normally the riders will get a serious injury. But
for Sheyla Hershey, himself claimed that he survives thanks to her
super sized it becomes airbags experienced while the incident.
"My breasts are very sore and suffered injuries. But I know I will be without injured, because while driving my breasts very close to the steering wheel, "he added. The
accident itself recognized him going after he drinks the medicine for
depression, bipolar disorder and drug vicodin to relieve headaches and
back pain that affect them.
As a
result, after the accident, Sheyla Hershey has had to face examination
and finally got the demands of driving under the influence of drugs and
was arrested at the scene. And he has to pay a
fine of US $ 1,781 or approximately USD 16 million and must attend a
hearing March 28, 2012 in Montgomery County Court, Texas, United States.
It will be good if when you feel less healthy and have been drinking better drugs break first. Because
of the drugs we drink shall we know what his side effects and most do
not follow the advice contained in these drugs, so that undesirable
incidents such as this do not recur. Sheyla
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