Dental Care
decay occurs due to improper care. Teeth are not cleaned, the old-old will be
covered layer called plaque. This condition can be aggravated if your child
frequently eat foods that contain sugar and flour. Therefore, the bacteria
contained in plaque react with sugar / flour, then produce acids that can
damage the email or the protective layer of teeth. Acid attacks are ongoing to
make tooth decay, cavities.
Because it's teeth should be treated early to prevent further damage. It's not easy to prohibit a child away from sugar or candy. Wise is to control the eating habits of these foods as soon as possible and clean the teeth of the remains of food after eating it.
For infants, clean the teeth with gauze that has been soaked in warm water. For those who are a little big, get used to rinse and drink water after eating. Teach children to brush teeth. Begin with a brush without toothpaste, little by little give toothpaste with a variety of flavors preferred by children. Do this activity at least 2 times a day, after meals and at bedtime.
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