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Dental Health

You will find the club three visual tools to help you teach children about good oral hygiene and a poster to alert parents that their child needs a new toothbrush. (Open 3 - new toothbrush - Displays brushing teeth-brushing Table) PrintThe challenge this week: the picture of tooth brushing. Whenever the children brush their teeth well, they can add a symbol. Invite parents to join the club educatout to have the same motivational tools to help children.

This week we talk about dental health, so who better than the tooth fairy herself to help you. We offer a game to do with imaginary children (w Open Thurs - Tooth Fairy Letter) Print. Prepare a "super" envelope. Put the envelope in an obvious place in the room so that children find it, read them the story and follow the directions for each day of the week.
Turn the corner relaxation dentist office. Remember to put chairs in the waiting room and toys. For the examination room, install a deck chair or paste two chairs for the children to grow In turn, you name a child playing the role of the dentist.
 Here are some suggestions for your thematic bin: toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash bottles empty, paper masks, mirrors, white shirts, bibs of paper towels, empty toothpaste tubes, plastic gloves, a small light or lamp pocket-dropper, empty medicine bottles, pillows, dolls, notebooks, pencils, glasses, coffee for dental tools, syringes without needles, dental health posters, etc. Remember to build a dentist's waiting room filled with toys. Make a chart group with children. Shoot the smile of every child and let them guess which belongs to whom.
Every week we offer a thematic set of images you can use as a memory game or as a trigger for the chat. Use images to decorate your room or build a thematic area.
 (Open picture game - Dental Health) Print, laminate, and store the game in a bag "Ziploc" or theme in your tank.
Each week, we suggest the activity sheets. Print and follow directions. (Open activity sheet)
 Enjoy the wonderful workshop ideas created by Caroline Allard.

To help you plan and organize your workshop, here is a printable document very useful. (Open - Planning Workbook workshops) Print
  Workshop construction (blocks)

    A few pieces of aluminum foil to block "sealed"
    It's time to leave what does not come often and does not necessarily relate to the theme! Ask your friends what they want this week.

Visual Arts Workshop

    Paint "jet" with old toothbrushes on a large sheet of white paper. With or without stencils, it gives very good results
    Painting with toothpaste in different colors (flavors), it gives a shiny effect on drying very interesting and it smells good!
    A few pieces of aluminum foil to seal a DIY
    Use evaporated milk to paint the drawings of teeth, as it dries it leaves a glossy finish

Workshop drawings

    Coloring pages of teeth or smile
    Drawings to cover teeth with gums (like Chiclets or other)
    We can ask another friend of us draw like an X-ray

Workshop role-playing

    We can arrange the workshop role plays in dentist's office ... On the door or wall, the name of the dentist Dr Dent Blanche and teeth of various shapes and sizes glued to the walls. A lounge chair, a flashlight and some images may well do the trick. You can also add gloves, masks and a lab coat (shirt) white. If you take the trouble to ask your dentist may be able to give you some x-rays or posters.

    We can add some accessories, like bottles of mouthwash empty, mirrors, towels, dropper, of empty medicine bottles, syringes without needles, posters ...
    Can be obtained from Mr. teeth (jaws that move) and put them in the workshop with some toothbrushes. Add a few dolls and children can teach while brushing teeth.
    We can decorate the wall with pictures of teeth and mouths wide open friends! (As to the dentist!). They love to see and show others ... I tried it!).
    You can even add a waiting room if space is big enough!

Handling Workshop

    Memory Game on the teeth with the images of educatall
    Matching game food vouchers and / or bad for dental health
    M. The teeth can be found here as well ... for a little manipulation
    One can put toothpaste in a Ziploc bag and let it handle the children ... the texture is rather special.
    Set of classification with animals that have teeth and those who do not ...
    From clay to toothpaste (see recipe creation) or the white clay
    A box full of brushes of all kinds, all sizes ...

Workshop pre-reading

    Books on the teeth, dentists ... My friends especially liked Dora the dentist.
    Books about fairies

Pre-writing workshop

    Dotted teeth to draw
    Various activity sheets on the teeth
    Playing with words educatout labels

Motor workshop

    A little game with movements invented by time ... the tooth breaks through the gum (ayoye!), the tooth grows, the loose tooth, the tooth falls, etc.. With 4-5 years, it helps explain a little what will happen ... soon lose the little teeth!
    It stands as stiff as the bristles of the toothbrush or folded like the hair of an old toothbrush.

Workshop sensory bin

    The sink ... we brush our teeth!
    It rinses your mouth. Fun is to be able to spit!
    You can also wash the toys with toothbrush

Science Workshop

    You ask a friend to the hygienist to inspect the teeth of friends after brushing.

Language activitie Word labels
Each week, we offer a set of labels that you can use words as a trigger for the chat area or in your reading and writing, or even to identify your thematic bins different. (Pdf Open-label words) Print. Tooth, dentist, fillings, chair, smiling, toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrush, mirror, light, cavities, dentures.

 History of toothbrush
Fill a box of different brushes. The children enjoy telling stories with toothbrushes.

(Open Thurs smile) Print and laminate it. Hide images of healthy teeth and decayed teeth around the room. Glue mouth on a card that you keep near you. You are a dentist, install a chair next to you. Children in search of healthy teeth they must return to the mouth as soon as possible and then return in search of teeth.

Attention! If you make a bad tooth, they must sit in the dentist's chair for a minute. The goal is to stick all the teeth in the mouth for the most beautiful smile.
The Tooth Fairy
(Open teeth) Print and laminate. Place small images of teeth throughout your room. At the signal, the children become the fairies of the teeth and must pick up and collect as many teeth as possible. There is no winner, the important thing is to have fun. In the end, you can give a tooth for every child so that he can bring it home.

Give a long piece of dental floss to each child, they walk in the daycare and spend the floss between the toys.
Good brushing
Children practice brushing teeth cleaning toys.
Need a filling
In the corner building, put several pieces of different sizes of aluminum foil so that children can make toys fillings covering with foil.
Review cleaning
Let the kids watch their teeth with a small mirror and a small light before dinner. Next, observe again the teeth. Once the children have noticed that their teeth are dirty, they'll brush.
Dental floss
Move in single file, such as microbes on the Floss. Move along the leader of the queue.

 While mimicking microbe, ask the children: "Who wants to make the microbe? ". The other children are the teeth. Explain that once affected by microbes, "teeth" should sit as they become decayed. The game continues until all the teeth are decayed. Then change microbe Denture
(Open tooth) Print, laminate and cut out. On a large piece of cardboard, draw a face with a wide open mouth. Give a plastic tooth for every child. In turn, blindfold the child and it should stick as close as the tooth from the mouth as possible.
Wash the toothbrush
Remove the water tank and toothbrushes. Do wash your toys, a toothbrush, for children.
Put things with dental floss.The apprentice dentist
Place the empty Kleenex box of small marshmallows, one with small black spots (decayed tooth). Using tongs or spaghetti salad, through the hole, remove the marshmallow from the box. The game ends as soon as the decayed tooth is removed from the box. Put the marshmallows in the box and play again.Hippopotamus at the dentist
On a large piece of cardboard, draw a hippo ¹ s mouth open. Place all around (inside) of which some small miniature marshmallows marshmallows have a black color underneath. With clothespins very clean, in turn, children derive the teeth to find cavities.
Variation: When is a cavity, we must replace it and put a tooth.
Tooth or tooth
Put objects related to teeth (tube empty bottle of mouthwash, toothbrush, etc.). In a pillowcase and children try to guess what it is.Mask dentist
Make a mask such as dentists using napkins. Fold them in half and drill a hole at each end. Attach a string. Children can use it to imitate the dentists.
 The tooth gap
Cut out the tooth in a white cardboard. (Open holed tooth pdf) Print. Punch around the teeth with small holes with an awl. Make floss or ribbon through each hole.
Draw teeth with sidewalk chalk Teeth of sand
In the sandbox, draw a mouth and ask the children to the teeth with sand pots of different sizes.
 Cognitive Activities
 Baby teeth, adult teeth
(Open tooth) Print. Take pictures of teeth of different sizes and children's rank from the smallest to the largest.
 The missing tooth
Made to place children in a circle to represent the mouth. Have them close their eyes and choose a child who will become the missing tooth. Do it sit in the middle and cover with a blanket. Now, the children open their eyes and try to find out who the missing tooth.
 What is good for teeth
Cut food in different circles. Paste on the wall with a mouth of white teeth and another with decayed teeth. Children need to paste the right foods below the mouth healthy and sugary foods below the mouth decayed.
Socio-emotional and moral
 My smile
Take pictures of smiling children and paste them on the wall. You can also make a game that does not cut the smiles and try to guess who they belong to.

A visit
Invite a dental hygienist or a dentist to visit you. It can be a knowledge or the CLSC can give you deference. There are even those who work in these institutions.

It feels different kinds of toothpaste.
Soak hard boiled eggs overnight in tea or brown liquor. They will be brown. Brush the egg with the toothpaste. Discuss the results.

Culinary activity
  White tooth
Draw the shape of a tooth on a card or print (Open image tooth) and paste the picture on a carton. With children, melt marshmallows in a bowl in microwave oven for about 30 seconds and let the children shake in turn. Then, return to oven to microwave for 10 seconds. Place the center of the table marshmallows melted. Using a popsicle stick, they extend around the tooth box.

Homemade toothpaste

        4 c. teaspoon baking soda
        1 c. tsp salt
        1 c. Tea of ​​your favorite essence (vanilla, almond, strawberry, mint, etc.).
        Mix well and place in an airtight container.

Craft activity
Cut and smile
Cut out the smiles in magazines and made a collective collage.

 White tooth
Draw teeth on a black card with white chalk.
 Yellow Dent
Cut yellow teeth and stick them on a white card.
Then, paint them with a toothbrush and white gouache.
Paint brush
Make available to the children of old toothbrushes and toothpaste in different colors. Let the children explore how they can paint with this new type of brush. Remember that it's a bit messy, so plan sheets of plastic.

(Open smile) Print and cut small pieces of aluminum foil. Paste fillings on the teeth.Dental impression
To the footprint of our teeth, bitten the child gently (under your supervision) in a game of base foam. Thereafter, look at the differences between the fingerprints of everyone.


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