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Esemka did not pass the emission test

The Mayor of Surakarta, Joko measures Widodo to produce the car as a car of mass Esemka seems to take much longer. The Ministry of the environment has not passed the test car emissions, yet also passes the test type.The head of the Public Ministry of transportation communications center, Bambang Ervan said, test the S emissions undertaken some time ago still do not meet the standards."We hope that the applicant was not daunted because Esemka do not meet emissions standards of the Ministry of the environment," said Bambang told reporters in Jakarta..

Referred to Bambang, emission standards for new cars would normally throw away carbon dioxide (CO) with 5 grams per km and HC + NOx standard 0.70″ grams/km car emissions Esemka. however still high enough that the discharge CO his 11,63 grams/km HC + NOx and amounted to 2.69 g/km.

"We recommend the buangnya gas emissions performance improvement. This standard is set in Kepmen KLHJ No. 04/2009 concerning exhaust emissions Threshold to a new type of motor vehicle, "he said.

He explains, there is no deadline for improvement, the brand can use the Hall Road and Certification Testing Laik motor vehicles.

Come on, already proposed test Esemka 2010 laik road, but there are still shortcomings in the standard lamp, less fulfilled. Parties requesting testing Hall for repair. "But this time they haven't filed yet," he said.

For lights that did not qualify, he explained, the Government set the standards in one lamp has 12,000 candle (CD), but in his right headlight menyinarkan Esemka new CD and the left 10.900 as many as 6,700 CD. "It could still be improved," he said.

For this reason the Land Transportation Office has sent Ditjen letter to PT Solo Creations to explain in order to coordinate with the BPPT to improve standards so as to qualify.

This letter contained in DECREE numbered AJ.S0E/17/6/DJPD/2012 dated 29 February tentangs Repeated test of the EURO 2 Emission Test signed by Director DLLAJ Kemenhub, Sudirman Lambali on behalf of the Director General of transportation by land.


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