Want To Be Explorers Of Time, The Student Commits Suicide
Two elementary school student committed suicide after one of them can't get home because of the loss of the key. They think with their suicides can become explorers of time as it aired on a TV program.Two pieces of mail regarding their reasons for suicide found. The letter describes the second suicide girl it could travel to the past.Tragic events began when the girl who lost her house keys feel hopeless because it could not find the key. His vow to always be on his side in a situation as difficult as anything else. He said to get together to pick up the dead.They then write and hide it in a closet. Then two grad student that jumped into a pond and drown themselves.
written Xiao Mei, one of the student's name, mentioning that he forgot
to save your remote control to open the door automatically at his home. May also fear being punished because his parents ' remotes has removed it.
He reveals his desire to go back to the Qing dynasty which ruled China from 1644 to 1911.
This event rekindled a heated debate between the Governments of China and the TV station that aired about explorers of time. On one episode, a girl who tells galian cars can go to Qing dynasty and fell in love with a man of that era.
Director of the Research Center for children in China, Sun Yunxiao, says children have a high curiosity, but poor knowledge. » I've got reports, a boy jumped from tall buildings after seeing a magic show, "he said.
» This is a serious case relating to dangerous behavior conducted in children. We have to give warnings, both to TV stations, as well as to the children, "said Yunxiao.
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