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' Police are Handsome ' like Sherina

'Polisi Ganteng' Idolakan SherinaSaeful Bripda Bahri said will continue to serve in the police force and will not follow the lead of Norman Kamaru, following the discussion of her Police ramainya Handsome in media social networking Twitter."I would not like Norman. I will continue to serve in the police force. I actually know from a friend earlier today, he says I am busy on twitter, "said Saeful Bahri in Mapolrestabes Bandung, Bandung, Path Independence Tuesday.A day earlier, in social media Twitter, photo police Handsome crowded social networking are discussed by the user after the account Twitternya Ardy Wu via @ ArdyWu upload photo police named Fachrie.In fact, the police were called in and the Bahri Saeful Ardy tweetnya write "who wants a similar police arrested?"..
The Tweeter or diretweet direct crowded discussed by thousands of people with a variety of comments even had a chance to become a trending topic. Most of the meretweet women, including actress and singer Sherina Munaf via @ sherinamunaf.For the incident was claimed to be surprised to learn his Saeful crowded discussed on Twitter, even to the diretweet by Sherina Munaf (@ sherinamunaf) who has 2.899.725 followers.Saeful claims to be proud because there are a lot in cyberspace assessing himself drew up to menguploadnya on Twitter especially when her picture in a retweet by Sherina Munaf."Indeed I too ngefans is also the same time he was playing at Sherina adventure film Sherina. Yes so happy lah and so pride, "said the man was born 22 years ago these Earrings.
Ia mengatakan, foto dirinya itu diambil orang tak dikenal ketika melakukan penjagaan acara Kirab Budaya Cap Go Meh di Jalan Cibadak, Kota Bandung, pada Sabtu 18 Februari 2012.

"Jadi foto itu waktu Cap Go Meh. Saya lihatnya tadi di Twitter teman karena saya sendiri enggak punya Twitter. Saya enggak tahu siapa yang motret," kata Saeful yang memiliki tinggi 168 centimeter dan berat badan 65 kilogram.

Meskipun tidak tertarik dengan dunia keartisan tapi ia tidak akan menolak jika harus mengemban tugas sebagai duta kepolisian. "Saya siap jadi duta untuk membawa misi polisi," katanya.

Saeful sendiri merupakan anak pertama dari tiga bersaudara yang lahir dari pasangan Encas Solihin (46) dan Dedeh Kuraisin (36). Sebelum diterima sebagai anggota kepolisian, Saeful Bahri merupakan lulusan Pondok Pesantren Al Masoem, Cirebon. Dia masuk ke Sekolah Polisi Negara (SPN) Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat.


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