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This is it work that Makes Your heart attack

Petugas pemadam kebakaran. IlustrasiAlthough many people are not sure of heart disease related to the Affairs of the day job, turns out to in fact not so. Apparently, the characteristics of the work can also increase the risk of heart attacks and other problems. A number of activities such as sitting too long job, working hours are too long, and certain chemicals blow can threaten our heart. Here are the jobs and work characteristics that can be risky for the heart.
Work that requires sitting for too long...
Workers who are at risk of sitting too long suffered heart problems more than than those who are inactive. This is because it sits too long can trigger a decrease in insulin sensitivity and enzyme that can usually break down fats. Recommended, stand up and walk around every now and then while working.

Rescue workers
The work is a high-level activity such as the police or fire department is also at risk. About 22 per cent of police officers and 45 percent of firefighters are having sudden death due to heart failure at work. Compare with Figure 15 per cent occurred on another job.
Long working hours, no healthy diet, stress, blow karbonmonoksida contributing to trigger a risk. When you can't possibly change jobs, try to focus on healthy foods, exercise regularly and reduce blood pressure.

The bus driver
Driving jobs like this arguably risky experience hypertension rather than worker lian. This may be because they have to sit long in need of vigilance in order to avoid accidents and think of the safety of passengers. This is what triggers stress.
In one research revealed, 56 percent of bus drivers in Taipei suffered hypertension than the 31 percent of workers from other sectors. They also have elevated cholesterol, added weight, and heart attacks.

Workers with shift
Change in work hours as experienced by doctors, nurses, and others can also be exposed to higher risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Work with shift can interfere with the body clock rhythm instrumental for regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and insulin.
However, the lifestyle is also influential. Workers at night tends to be more smoke. The shorter hours of sleep are also at risk of experiencing heart disease.

The Bartender
Being in a place that is usually disesaki-smoking rooms such as bars or cafes, workers in there like the bartender definitely risky smoking active or passive. In fact, passive smokers even more at risk of a heart attack. To help address this problem, good ventilation system could be the solution.


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