Reasons not to buy the iPad (Rush)

There is no 4 g in Indonesia
One of the latest technologies in the iPad is its ability to use 4 g connection. In this way, fast connection while browsing, file downloading, even upload videos nor do they need to be questioned again. But, wait a minute. Is there an operator service that supports this technology?
I was not an expert in this field, but I have enough experts to declare internet connection in Indonesia is far from there. Never mind the 4 g, 3 g is already implemented (almost) all telecommunications companies were still disappointing.
Retina display sounds so indulge our eyes. Imagine playing the game-level quality, HD TV in the Palm of the hand. But the question is, how many iPad apps already support Retina display? Apple did say, existing application now automatically uses the Retina. "Developers don't need to do anything," they said.
But of course we can not experience the seoptimal application that is created to display the Retina. Let's give it time on perfecting their application developers.
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